Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Calendar Reflection

Screenshot from my computer, 8/27/15
I thought this activity was very interesting. I worked very hard to make sure I entered absolutely everything I do with utmost accuracy and I color coded all of my classes and other activities to provide easy at-a-glance organization. What surprised me most of all is the amount of time I have to do things, much more than I expected. I easily have enough time to devote two hours of time per hour of class time per week. I will simply have to work not to squander the time I have allotted. I even went so far to schedule recommended homework time by class to make my organization top notch. I have often struggled with organization and time management skills so I aim to do my best to stick to this schedule. My past difficulties made me really appreciate the usefulness of this activity.


Reading everyone else's reflections on their calendars was a good experience for me. I got the feeling that many of us have similar concerns and worries about achieving maximum success here at the U. William utilized the old maxim that time is money which made me consciously realize how much this education costs and how much effort it is truly worth. I think I need to work on remaining focused when I work as I think that would greatly reduce the amount of time it takes for me to finish my studying and other school work. That way, I will have more time to have fun and decompress which will in turn help me be more relaxed and better at the school work at hand. I wish everyone the best of luck this semester and for the next four years.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you are a very organized individual, something of which I am jealous of! I agree, filling out this exercise showed me how much time I had which was really surprising. But I agree, allotting time to do something means you have to actually do it otherwise it doesn't work. If you follow your calendar I think you will be okay.
